Thursday, 26 September 2013

Terminology that is associated with magazine designs

Terminology that is associated with magazine designs:

Barcode: This is used by the shops to scan your magazine so you can buy it.

Date line: This shows the day, month and year it was published on. 

Price: usually at the top of the magazine or next to the barcode. shoes how much money you have to spend and can give an indication of what class the magazine is aimed towards.

Mast heading: Name of the magazine 'Heat' or 'Closer.' it should be easily recognisable, can have its own font, big and bold.

Main Cover line: Large, in colour so it stands out 

Cover line: slightly smaller then the main cover line so it doesn't take focus off the main subject

sub-heading: can tell you what stories are in the magazine.

Main image: Takes up most of the space as the person in the photo is most likely to have a big story within the magazine. it captures the customers eye.

Layout: The discourse of the magazine is very important because it is what brings it all together.

Pull Quote: This is lifted from the main article in the magazine. This attracts the audience, it gives an insight to whats in the magazine.

Statistics: This is a technique used to capture the audiences attention. if you see a bold number you are more likely to stop and see what that number is about.

Left third: This is typically on the left hand side of the magazine. it will have the titles of some of the more interesting articles within the magazine. it it also on the left side because when magazines are stacked this is usually the side which it visible to the public.

Plugs + puffs: these have a sort of cartoon feel. they are typically seen as a spiky speech bubble with facts or giveaways in. Its usually a different colour which stands out from the rest.  

Colours: The colours are a very good indication of who its aimed towards e.g pink = girls, Blue = boys. Very stereotypical but this is what the designers use. 

Carefully designed: applies to target audience, its easy to see on the shelf at a quick glance, so you can just grab it. it should also be easy to tell what genre it is at a quick glance.

Monday, 23 September 2013

How will Blogger be useful for my coursework

How will Blogger be useful for my coursework?

Blogger will be extremely useful for my Media coursework because it's a simple, easy way of posting all my work in different formats. This means that all my work will be in one place which can be accessed at a 'click of a button.' This is a more organised way of keeping all my work together rather then having it on paper as paper is easily forgotten or destroyed. As i have never had a blog before it is a good way to start getting use to using a blog, which may benefit me in the future. I feel that it is a very inventive way to store my coursework as it will make the work more interactive and fun to use. As i can access it from my phone i can update my blog on the go, for example, if i find an article whilst on my phone which relates to my coursework i can easily embed it to my blog then and there.  

Things you can do with Blogger

Things you can do with Blogger:

1. Customise - Blogger gives you the ability to customise your blog, which is good because it makes the blog more personal and make you want to get more involved in your work.

2. Publish work - You can publish many different formats of work on Blogger like essays, pictures and even videos. This makes each Blog individual and interesting.

3. Keep track of work - On Blogger you can keep track of the dates you post you work on. It's a very simple way of keeping track of you work as it's an easy and inventive way of keeping all you work in place.

4. Develop a community - You can let your readers follow your blog by adding the Followers button to your page. With this, your readers can click the "Follow This Blog" link and keep track of your posts.

5. Post on the go - Blogger allows you to Blog on the go using a mobile. This appeals to the younger generation as the majority of children and teens nowadays have a mobile phone. This could influence the younger generation to get into blogging.

6. Worldwide - This could be a source of research in the sense that someone could have a blog on a subject you're trying to research and you could get information from their blog.