Monday, 23 September 2013

Things you can do with Blogger

Things you can do with Blogger:

1. Customise - Blogger gives you the ability to customise your blog, which is good because it makes the blog more personal and make you want to get more involved in your work.

2. Publish work - You can publish many different formats of work on Blogger like essays, pictures and even videos. This makes each Blog individual and interesting.

3. Keep track of work - On Blogger you can keep track of the dates you post you work on. It's a very simple way of keeping track of you work as it's an easy and inventive way of keeping all you work in place.

4. Develop a community - You can let your readers follow your blog by adding the Followers button to your page. With this, your readers can click the "Follow This Blog" link and keep track of your posts.

5. Post on the go - Blogger allows you to Blog on the go using a mobile. This appeals to the younger generation as the majority of children and teens nowadays have a mobile phone. This could influence the younger generation to get into blogging.

6. Worldwide - This could be a source of research in the sense that someone could have a blog on a subject you're trying to research and you could get information from their blog.

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