Thursday, 21 November 2013

Initial ideas

Names for my magazine.

-Pick (guitar pick)






-AI Music

Photo location.






Colour scheme.

- I think that I will need a good colour scheme to unify it all.

- I'm not sure on the definite colour scheme but here are a few colours that  i think would work well together:
     +Black and red
     +Blue and white
     +Blue and Red

Target Audience.

-I will be aiming my magazine towards 'young adults' (16-25) I feel that this will be the best age range to aim it at, as this is the age group of 'Ravers'

-I also hope to aim it at both genders as it is not stereotypically a male or female genre.

Typical content.

-Large, dominant and catchy mast head.

-Thumbnails for important articles.


-Teasing content

-competitions and free gifts

-Bright colour schemes

Fonts to use.

My magazine fonts – American typewriter
My magazine fonts- Andale Mono
My magazine fonts- BlairMsITC  TT
My magazine fonts- Chalkboard
My magazine fonts- courier
My magazine fonts- Monaco


-Pure music, Pure Power

-There is no life without music

-It must be music 

When in the year will it be published?

-I initial thought that it could just be published whenever but recently I have thought about doing a christmas edition. This would include Christmassy stories, giveaways etc.

-If not a Christmas edition then I would do a winter orientated edition. Using symbols like snowflakes around the magazine and using warmer colours. 

How frequently would it be published?

-It could be published every month, It would have a theme for each different one. 

Price of magazine.

-The price would have to be affordable because of the age range of the target audience. so, about £2.75. 

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